Class AppConfig

Base class for app configuration. Extend this to supply your own configuration properties.

It is recommended to create your own sub-class and register it with the application IOC container.

This class supports all the lambda-api config options by implementing the Options interface.


  • AppConfig


  • Options



base?: string

Base path for all routes, e.g. base: 'v1' would prefix all routes with /v1.

callbackName?: string

Override the default callback query parameter name for JSONP calls.

logger?: boolean | LoggerOptions

lambda-api logging configuration. Enables/disables default logging by setting to a boolean value or allows for configuration through a Logging Configuration object.

Defaults to info level logging.

mimeTypes?: {
    [key: string]: string;

Name/value pairs of additional MIME types to be supported by the type(). The key should be the file extension (without the .) and the value should be the expected MIME type, e.g. application/json.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
name?: string

API human readable name.

openApi?: OpenApiConfig

OpenAPI configuration.

serializer?: SerializerFunction

Optional object serializer function. This function receives the body of a response and must return a string. Defaults to JSON.stringify

serverLogger?: ServerLoggerConfig

Logging configuration for ts-lambda-api. See [[ServerLoggerConfig]] for more information.

Defaults to info level plain string logging.

version?: string

Version number accessible via Request context instances.

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